Partnering to Support Student Well-Being
By listening to our partner schools and their students, TimelyCare has created a virtual health & well-being platform tailored to community colleges.

TimelyCare + Community Colleges
U.S. community college students served by TimelyCare

California community college students served by TimelyCare
of California students’ TimelyCare visits are after hours

5 minutes
average wait time for on-demand emotional support visit

7 minutes
average wait time for on-demand medical visit
How Virtual Care Solves
Challenges for Community Colleges
“TimelyCare was the perfect answer to our needs. It is affordable for a community college campus that has very limited resources. TimelyCare provides students 24/7 access to both medical and mental health services.”
Kim Behrens, MSN, RN,
Associate Dean, Health Careers
Porterville College
A total well-being approach
With compassionate, culturally competent, and expert providers who listen, assess, and care for student needs, virtual health provides total well-being care when on-campus resources aren’t available or are overwhelmed.
Community college student’s needs prioritized
TimelyCare’s Basic Needs service was directly born out of the need for an additional layer of support for community college students. Now, all community college campus partners nationally receive Basic Needs support which helps students get connected to low- or reduced-cost community resources.
“TimelyCare offers an extension to our current services. It is quick, accessible and always available. School health services end at 5 p.m., so students need additional access. It is also an easy referral solution for our online instructors.”
Amy Yribarren, RN
Director of Health Services
Modesto Junior College
On-demand access to care
Virtual health enables students to have 24/7 access to a diverse team of experts, from doctors and nurse practitioners to mental health specialists and health coaches. Students can pick their provider to best understand their needs and identity.
Virtual care for digital natives
Meet this generation’s needs by providing access to quality healthcare that’s on their terms – care that is immediate, comfortable, and familiar for today’s digital-native student from a team that represents your campus’ student body.
CollegeBuys Makes Virtual Care a Reality for Colleges & Univesrities
Learn more about how The University of Redlands, Salisbury University, and El Camino College were able to partner with TimelyCare by leveraging a Master Service Agreement through CollegeBuys.
Learn More About
TimelyCare + FCCC
Partner With TimelyCare
Please complete the form to learn more about TimelyCare’s virtual health and well-being program.